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Chapel Staplehurst
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8.9.24 The message and the messenger1 John 3 v 11Pastor
00:00 / 45:43
8.9.24 Salvation for the- 'uttermost' sinner Hebrews 7 v 25Pastor
00:00 / 43:12
5.9.24 The Lord is my portion. Lamentations 3 v 24Pastor
00:00 / 37:16
1.9.24 Jesus Christ as the apple tree. S of Sol 2 v 3Pastor
00:00 / 39:56
25.8.24 Fear not - believe only. Luke 8 v 49 Pastor
00:00 / 37:53
21.8.24 I shall not die but live. Psalm 118 v 17Pastor
00:00 / 35:20
18.8.24 Isaiah 49 v 14Mr Edmund Buss
00:00 / 43:55
18.8.24 Habbakuk 3 v 2Mr Edmund Buss
00:00 / 45:56
14.8.24 John 6 v 44-45Mr Jabez Rutt
00:00 / 29:23
4.8.24 Where are the nine? The ten cleansed lepers. Luke 17 v 17 Pastor
00:00 / 42:07
4.8.24 Mountains,good tidings, peace. Nahum 1 v 15 PastorPastor
00:00 / 38:23
28.7.24 Satisfaction. Psalm 36 v 8 Pastor
00:00 / 42:02
31.7.24 A time to keep silence & a time to speak. Ecclesiastes 3 v 7Pastor
00:00 / 34:50
28.7.24 Worrying about tomorrow. Matthew 6 v 34Pastor
00:00 / 36:04
21.7.24 God speaking to his people. Hebrews 1 v 1Pastor
00:00 / 42:41
14.7.24 Our place in Heaven 1 Samuel 20 v 6 & 18Pastor
00:00 / 39:28
14-7-24-Christ's love to us. Psalm 91 v 14Pastor
00:00 / 40:14
10.7.24 The authority of Christ. Mark 1 v 22Pastor
00:00 / 32:29
7.7.24 Remembering what God has done for us Ezekiel 16 v 63Pastor
00:00 / 35:34
7.7.24 The wise shall understand Daniel 12 v 8-10Pastor
00:00 / 37:15
30.6.24 Jehovah-nissi Exodus 17 v 5 Pastor
00:00 / 44:03
30.6.24 The zeal of Jesus John 2 v 17Pastor
00:00 / 39:54
26.6.24 "Dwell deep" Jeremiah 49 v 30Pastor
00:00 / 32:03
23.6.24 God's plan-why did God do it? What did it cost? What did it produce? Romans 8 v 32Pastor
00:00 / 42:09
23.6. 24 Obedience & believing John 2 v 11Pastor
00:00 / 40:49
16.6.24 Founded upon a rock Luke 6 v 48-mr-m-seymourMr M Seymour
00:00 / 34:42
16.6.24 But Peter continued knocking Acts 12 v 16-Mr M Seymour
00:00 / 35:03
12.6 .24 "He shall drink of the brook in the way Psalm 110 v 7Pastor
00:00 / 36:05
9.6.24 An absent God, a present God, & an effective God. Philippians 2 v 13Pastor
00:00 / 41:08
9.6.24 Why stand ye here all the day idle? Matthew 20 v 6Pastor
00:00 / 42:40
2.6.24 The God who dwells & walks in us. 2 Corinthians 6 v 16Pastor
00:00 / 36:46
2.6.24 The lost sheep. Luke 15 v 4Pastor
00:00 / 43:15
26.5.24 Fear thou not for I am with thee...Isaiah 41 v 10Mr Tim Parish
00:00 / 39:44
26.5.24 Do not interpretations belong to God? Genesis 40 v 8Mr Tim Parish
00:00 / 40:33
19.5.24 Sunday School Prize giving address "God's toolbox"Pastor
00:00 / 39:25
12.5.24 The challenge, the fight & protection from God 2 Peter 3 v 13Pastor
00:00 / 42:57
19.5.24 A miracle of hope from a rejected Christ Luke 4 v 30Pastor
00:00 / 36:00
12.5.24 "Jehovah Shalom" Judges 6 v 23-24Pastor
00:00 / 37:58
11.5.24 "My Saviour " 2 Samuel 22 v 3Dr Tim Ramsbottom
00:00 / 42:15
5.5.24 Counting the cost of following Jesus Luke 14 v 28Pastor
00:00 / 43:21
5.5.24 The necessity & motives of the work of Jesus. John 9 v 4Pastor
00:00 / 42:37
28.4.24 Be thou ashamed O Zion. Isaiah 23 v 4Pastor
00:00 / 45:27
28.4.24 Reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5 v 18Pastor
00:00 / 41:54
24.4.24 "Until the day break & the shadows flee away" S of S 2 v 17Pastor
00:00 / 34:27
21.4.23 God 's choice. 1 Corinthians 1 v 27-28Pastor
00:00 / 46:37
21.4.23 Man's mistakes and God setting things right Luke 22 v 50-51Pastor
00:00 / 34:55
17.4.24 The struggle between the old man of sin and new man of gracePastor
00:00 / 36:19
14.4.24 Art thou for us or for our adversaries Joshua 5 v 13Pastor
00:00 / 42:20
14.4.24 A woman healed from her infirmities Luke 13 v12Pastor
00:00 / 37:43
10.4.24 The voices of the bridegroom and the bride. Jeremiah 33 v 11Pastor
00:00 / 36:09
7.4.24 "Pardoned" Jeremiah 50 v 20. Pastor
00:00 / 40:03
7.4.24 "After Easter" God's intentions. Acts 12 v 4Pastor
00:00 / 35:15
3.4.24 "How often would I have gathered thy children together."Matthew 23 v 37Pastor
00:00 / 34:55
31.3.24 Lo, I am with you alway. Matthew 28 v 20Pastor
00:00 / 44:55
31.3.24 He is not here but is risen. Luke 24 v 5-6Pastor
00:00 / 37:57
27.3.24 Let us go forth therefore unto him Hebrews 13 v 13Pastor
00:00 / 38:56
24.3.24 "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground."John 12 v 24Pastor
00:00 / 45:59
24.3.23 Thou art the same Hebrews 1 v 12Pastor
00:00 / 39:32
20-3-24 Who are we trusting in? 2 Kings 18 v 20Pastor
00:00 / 35:53
17-3-24 Christ's healing touch. Luke8 v 47Mr C Warboys
00:00 / 49:30
17-3-24 If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink John 7 v 37Mr C Warboys
00:00 / 51:22
13.3.24 God's peculiar treasure Exodus 19 v 5Pastor
00:00 / 40:16
10.3.24 "Busy here and there." 1 Kings 20 v 40Pastor
00:00 / 45:20
10.3.24 "Of God" Judges 18 v 5Pastor
00:00 / 43:07
6.3.24 "I am doing a great work..." Nehemiah 6 v 3Pastor
00:00 / 36:16
3.3.24 The melted soul. Psalm 147 v 18Pastor
00:00 / 43:21
28.2.24 Green pastures & still waters. Psalm 23 v 2Pastor
00:00 / 37:12
25.2.24 I give myself unto prayer. Psalm 109 v 4 Pastor
00:00 / 48:33
25.2.24 Necessary burdens. Acts 15 v 28Pastor
00:00 / 42:21
21.2.24 The eyes of the Lord. Job 36 v 7Pastor
00:00 / 36:55
18.2.24 A prayer & a promise. Philippians 4 v 6-7Joseph Rutt
00:00 / 45:24
18.2.24 The Bible-a lamp and a light. Psalm 119 v 105Joseph Rutt
00:00 / 41:37
14.2.24 God 's building & garden. 1 Corinthians v 9Pastor
00:00 / 42:03
11.2.24 A good soldier of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2 v 3 Pastor
00:00 / 48:28
11.2.24 "Be ye therefore ready..." Luke 12 v 40Pastor
00:00 / 40:02
7.2.24 "Be ye thankful." Colossians 3 v 15Pastor
00:00 / 39:36
4.2.24 The Lord...the Governor of the nations Psalm 22 v 28Pastor
00:00 / 43:41
4.2.24 "Consider your ways" Haggai 1 v 5Pastor
00:00 / 42:28
"He heard" Psalm 22 v 24Pastor
00:00 / 37:25
"God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved..."Psalm 46 v 5Pastor
00:00 / 44:45
"Declaring the conversion of the gentiles..."Acts 15 v 3 Pastor
00:00 / 42:38
24.1.23 A Sabbath rest, a gospel rest, & a heavenly rest. Hebrews 4 v 9Pastor
00:00 / 38:02
21.1.24 Priviledges of being the "King's daughter." Psalm 45 v 13-24Pastor
00:00 / 45:58
21.1.24 Jesus Christ maketh thee whole. Acts 9 v 34Pastor
00:00 / 41:42
17.1.24 Satan's net, your net, God's net. Matthew 4 v 21Pastor
00:00 / 38:00
14.1.24 Unity with believers. 2 Chronicles 5 v 13Pastor
00:00 / 47:20
14.1.24 Two opposites-the carnal mind and the spiritual mind. Romans 8 v 6Pastor
00:00 / 37:52
10.1.24 Dissolving doubts. Daniel 5 v 16 Pastor
00:00 / 38:27
7.1.24 Fear not little flock...Luke 12 v 32Pastor
00:00 / 38:47
7.1.24 "Kept"by God's faithfulness, care & love. 1 Peter 1 v 5Pastor
00:00 / 42:04
31.12.23 The Lord 's ruling power in our lives. Psalm 110 v 1Pastor
00:00 / 48:26
31.12.23 In a day of salvation have I helped thee. Isaiah 49 v 8Pastor
00:00 / 45:15
Christmas morning Unto us a son is given. Isaiah 9 v 6 Pastor
00:00 / 23:34
24.12.23 God with us. Matthew 1 v 23Pastor
00:00 / 43:36
24.12.23 Mary kept all these things & pondered them in her heart. Luke 2 v 19Pastor
00:00 / 39:45
22.12.23 His name shall endure for ever. Psalm 72 v 17Pastor
00:00 / 35:48
17.12.23 Jesus -the light of the world. John 8 v 12Pastor
00:00 / 46:19
17.12.23 "There shall come a star out of Jacob." Numbers 24 v 17Pastor
00:00 / 39:52
13.12.23 Paul's desires for the Thessalonian church. 2 Thessalonians 3 v 5Pastor
00:00 / 27:26
10.12.23 "Return, revive & grow" Hosea 14 v 7 Pastor
00:00 / 46:50
God's help in our valleys and mountains. Luke 3 v 5Pastor
00:00 / 37:41
Carol Service 2023Pastor
00:00 / 1:20:36
3.12.23 Whatsoever thy hand findest to do, do it with thy might-Ecclesiastes 9 v 10Pastor
00:00 / 44:07
3.12.23 Following the cloud. Exodus 40 v 36-37Pastor
00:00 / 42:51
29.11.23 Line upon line. Isaiah 28 v 10Pastor
00:00 / 34:45
26.11.23 "Come & dine" John 21 v 12Pastor
00:00 / 43:28
26.11.23 I will surely do thee good Genesis 32 v 12Pastor
00:00 / 36:28
22.11.23 A Door of Hope Hosea 2 v 15Pastor
00:00 / 34:05
19.11.23 Fight the good fight of faith. 1 Tim 6 v 12Pastor
00:00 / 41:07
19.11.23 I know that thou canst do everything. Job 42 v 2Pastor
00:00 / 42:31
Running to Jesus. Mark 9 v 15Pastor
00:00 / 37:03
12.11.23 Malachi 3 v 16-17Graham Chetwer
00:00 / 41:02
8.11.23 I remember thee. Jeremiah 2 v 2 Pastor
00:00 / 38:43
5.11.23 God's time and our time. John 7 v 6Pastor
00:00 / 39:49
5.11.23 Open thou mine eyes that I may see...Psalm 119v18Pastor
00:00 / 43:15
1.11.23 Moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter 1 v 21Pastor
00:00 / 38:33
29.10.22 Have faith in God. Mark 11 v 22Pastor
00:00 / 44:55
29.10.23 Where is the word of the Lord.. Jeremiah 17 v 15Pastor
00:00 / 43:50
25.10.23 Philippians 4 v 6Mr John Rosier
00:00 / 29:11
22.10.23 John 11 v 44Mr Mark Seymour
00:00 / 38:08
22.10.23 Haggai 2 v 8 /Psalm 50 v 10Mr Mark Seymour
00:00 / 35:40
15.10.23 This honour have all his saints. Psalm 149 v 9Pastor
00:00 / 42:34
15.10.23 As many as touched him were made whole. Mark 6 v 56Pastor
00:00 / 38:03
11.10.23 For a small moment have I forsaken thee... Isaiah 54 v 7Pastor
00:00 / 37:54
8.10.23" I will lead on softly." Genesis 33 v 14Pastor
00:00 / 43:05
8.10.23 "My well beloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill." Isaiah 5 v 11Pastor
00:00 / 41:40
7.10.23 Luke 17 v 15-16 Thanksgiving ServiceMr Tim Parish
00:00 / 40:19
1.10.23 What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. Psalm 56 v 3Pastor
00:00 / 38:23
1.10.23 Walking before the Lord Psalm 11 v 9Pastor
00:00 / 43:27
27.9.23 Stand fast in the Lord 1Thessalonians-3 v 8Pastor
00:00 / 34:02
24.9.23 We will not have this man to reign over us. Luke 19 v 14Pastor
00:00 / 43:29
24.9.23 Desiring Him Acts 9 v 38Pastor
00:00 / 38:52
20.9.23 God has punished us less than our iniquities deserve. Ezra 9 v13Pastor
00:00 / 35:39
17.9.23 Philppians 3 v 9Dr Tim Ramsbottom
00:00 / 39:31
17.9.23 1 Samuel 25 v 29Dr Tim Ramsbottom
00:00 / 35:06
Not by chance! 1 Samuel 6 v 9Pastor
00:00 / 34:36
"I will work and who shall let it." Isaiah 43 v 13Pastor
00:00 / 46:07
Drawing near to God Psalm 73 v 28Pastor
00:00 / 36:03
"He that is not with me is against me." Matthew 12 v 30Pastor
00:00 / 35:04
l3.9.23 "Lord remember me." Luke 23 v 42Pastor
00:00 / 37:21
3.9.23 "Which hearer of the Word are you? Luke 8 v 1Pastor
00:00 / 39:48
27.8.23 Thou O Lord remainest forever. Lamentations 5 v 19 Pastor
00:00 / 44:37
30.8.23 "Our gathering together unto him" 2 Thessalonians 2 v 1Pastor
00:00 / 33:41
27.8.23 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 13 v 14Pastor
00:00 / 42:08
23.8.23 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts. Psalm 51 v 6Pastor
00:00 / 33:29
13.8.23 Hebrews 13 v 5Mark Seymour
00:00 / 35:42
20.8.23 Luke 17 v 5Edmund Buss
00:00 / 49:03
6.8.23 The unsearchable mysteries of God. Romans 11 v 33Pastor
00:00 / 44:55
6.8.23 "Now are we sure that thou knowest all things." John 16 v30Pastor
00:00 / 43:53
2.8.23 John 12 v 32 Joseph Rutt
00:00 / 29:36
30.8.23 Christ's blessed exchanges for his people. Isaiah 61 v 3Pastor
00:00 / 45:09
30.7.23 The blessings of waiting on the Lord. Isaiah 40 v 31Pastor
00:00 / 39:22
26.7.23 "I will not make a full end with you." Jeremiah 5 v 18Pastor
00:00 / 32:31
23.7.23 "Jesus the light of the morning." 2 Samuel 23 v 4Pastor
00:00 / 37:50
"Beloved." 1 John 4 v 2Pastor
00:00 / 38:00
19.7.23 "Every thing shall live whither the river cometh." Ezekiel 47 v 9 Pastor
00:00 / 34:25
16.7.23 "Give us day by day our daily bread" Luke11v3Pastor
00:00 / 43:35
16.7.23 "So it pleased the Lord to send me." Nehemiah 2 v 6Pastor
00:00 / 39:17
12.7.23 "Jesus our burden bearer..." Isaiah 58 v 6 Pastor
00:00 / 35:31
9.7.23 "God having provided some better thing for us." Hebrews 11 v 40 Pastor
00:00 / 42:16
9.7.23 "The Lord was readyto save me." Isaiah 38 v 20Pastor
00:00 / 40:01
5.7.23 "The poor committeth himself unto thee." Psalm 10 v 14Pastor
00:00 / 37:31
2.7.23 "Following Jesus" John 13 v 36Pastor
00:00 / 40:17
28.6.23 "He maketh my feet like hinds feet'" 2 Samuel 22 v 34Pastor
00:00 / 32:02
2.7.23 'But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it." Acts 5 v 39. Pastor
00:00 / 43:31
25.6.23 "Send out thy light and thy truth." Psalm 43 v 3Pastor
00:00 / 47:08
25.6.23 "We shall live in his sight." Hosea 6 v 2 Pastor
00:00 / 35:02
21.6.23 "Nothng shall be restrained from them." Genesis 11 v 6Pastor
00:00 / 41:31
18.6.23 Song of Solomon 8 v 7 Mark Seymour
00:00 / 35:18
18.6.23 Jeremiah 18 v 6 Mark Seymour
00:00 / 34:16
11.6.23 Acts 13 v 42 afternoonCharles Warboys
00:00 / 50:18
14.6.23 "How shall I out thee among the children?"Jeremiah 3 v 19 Pastor
00:00 / 35:21
11.6.23 Acts 13 v 42 morningCharles Warboys
00:00 / 41:21
7.6.23 "And there I will meet with thee." Exodus 25 v 22 Pastor
00:00 / 58:53
4.6.23 "Many waters cannot quench love" Song of Sol 8 v 7Pastor
00:00 / 46:20
4.6.23 Comfort from the Lord. Isaiah 51 v 3 Pastor
00:00 / 41:35
28.5.23 John 3 v 7 Mr Tim Parish
00:00 / 49:46
28.5.23 Psalm 139 v 10 Mr Tim Parish
00:00 / 40:27
24.5.23 "Then shall his mind change." Habbakuk 1 v 11Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 33:58
21.5.23 "Nothing doubting" Acts 11 v 12Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 44:26
21.5.23 "Handfuls of purpose." Ruth 2 v 16Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 40:47
17.5.23 Proving God Psalm 95 v 9Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 34:02
14.4.23 Jesus the Heavenly householder. Matthew 13 v 52Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 46:04
14.5.23 "Certainly I will be with thee" Exodus 3 v 12Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 38:40
13.5.23 Chapel Anniversary ServiceDr Tim Ramsbottom
00:00 / 42:39
7.5.23 Sunday School Prize Giving Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 58:58
7.6.23 "I will give you the sure mercies of David." Acts 13 v 34Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 35:03
3.5.23 "O Lord I know that the way of man is not in himself..." Jeremiah 10 v 23 Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 38:23
26.4.23 "That which is crooked cannot be made straight." Ecclesiastes 1 v 15Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 38:14
23.4.28 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, weep with them that weep. Romans 12 v 15 Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 49:07
23.4.23 What good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? Matthew 19 v16Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 41:06
21.4.28 The Committal of Tony BaldwinPastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 14:02
21.4.28 The funeral service of Tony BaldwinPastor Matthew Hyde
00:00 / 59:00
19.4.23 "They shall walk up and down in his name." Zechariah 10 v 12Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 39:27
16.4.23 "For we are made partakers of Christ." Hebrews 2 v 14Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 46:27
16.4.23 Jonah's testmony "I fear the lord." Jonah 1 v 9Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 41:58
9.4.23 "Because I live ye shall live also" John 14 v 19Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 46:25
9.4.23 "Who shall roll us away the stone?" Mark 16 v 3Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 39:01
5.4.23 "For consider him" Hebrews 12 v 3Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 37:46
2.4.23 The blade, the ear, the full corn" Mark 4 v 28Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 45:40
2.4.23 "Behold thy king cometh" Zechariah 9 v 9Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 37:58
29.3.23 "Look not behind thee" Genesis 19 v 17Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 43:07
26.3.23 "Look not behind thee" Genesis 19 v 17 Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 43:03
26.3.23 "Revive thy work..." Habakkuk 3 v 2Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 41:02
22.3.23 "Held up by God's grace." Romans 14 v 4Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 35:18
19.3.23 "What have we? 1 Samuel 9 v 7 Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 46:15
19.3.23 "See that ye hasten the matter" 2 Chronicles24 v 5Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 38:30
15.3.23 "But let him ask in faith nothing wavering." James 1 v 6Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 35:00
12.3.23 "When I would do good evil is present with me." Romans 7 v 21Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 34:26
12.3.23 "Healing in his wings." Malachi 4 v 2 Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 44:00
8.3.23 "All things are possible to him that believeth"Mark 9 v 23Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 33:19
5.3.23 Who will shew us any good? Psalm 4 v 6Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 40:13
5.3.23 Lessons from Amasiah who "willingly offered himself unto the Lord" 2 Chronicles 17 v 6Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 39:10
1-3-23 Love covereth all sins Proverbs 10 v 12Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 39:11
26.2.23. O Lord my God, thou art very great. Psalm 104 v 1Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 42:28
26-2-23"New wine in new bottles."Luke-5-v-38Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 41:30
19-2-23 Luke 10 v 33Mr Joseph Rutt
00:00 / 50:49
19-2-23 Psalm 2 v 6 Mr Joseph Rutt
00:00 / 49:06
15.3.23 "What have I done?" Jeremiah 8 v 6Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 36:33
12-2-23 The healing of a blind man. John 9 v 6Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 40:55
12.2.23 "For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot..." Job 11 v 15Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 39:47
8.2.23 "Why are ye troubled, why do thoughts arise in your hearts?" Luke 24 v 38Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 37:21
5.2.23 The boundaries of the Lord. Numbers 22 v 18Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 39:20
5.2.23 The family of Christ. Matthew 12 v 50Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 38:49
1.2.23 "They had been with Jesus" Acts 4 v 13 Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 36:07
29.1.23 "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me" Psalm 139 v 6Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 43:43
29.1.23 "The gospel" Hebrews 4 v 2Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 39:28
22.1.23 Being under the wings of God's protection. Luke 13 v 34Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 49:54
22.1.23 "Our service to God" Matthew 22 v 21Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 44:43
18.1.23 "Stretch forth thine hand." Mark 3 v 5 Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 38:00
15.1.23 "This same Jesus" Acts 1 v 11Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 53:23
15.1.23 "I will overturn..." Ezekiel 21 v 27Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 41:38
11.1.23 "But continue..." 2 Timothy 3 v 14Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 39:48
8.1.23 "Light & understanding in the Word of God." Psalm 119 v 130Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 46:49
8.1.22 "Send me good speed this day." Genesis 24 v 12Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 41:05
4.1.23 "Where no wood is there the fire goeth out." Proverbs 26 v 20Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 39:44
1.1.23 "A people near unto him" Psalm 148 v 14Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 41:15
1.1.23 "For we walk by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5 v 7Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 40:46
25.12.22 "The wisemen's expectation" Matthew 2 v 9Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 47:38
25.12.22 "Fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy." Luke 2 v 9 Pastor Marcus Funnell
00:00 / 50:25